Thursday, November 10, 2016

How Do Airplane Fly?

  • LI: to identify features of an explanation text
  • LI: to infer information from the text.

This week my  writing  it is about how do airplane Fly 
The hard one  was to do the  One example of a supporting detail One example of a supporting detail
The spill one was the the fast one was so spill


blog commenting

This week I have blog commenting about the vide about the manaiakalani film festival 2016  there was panmurebridgeschool and Tamaki it was so fun to go and see the film festival  it was my time going to a manaiakalani film festival 


L.I to  understand the purpose of an explanation.
This Week we have been working on explanation post.

What I found hard was to find what less and what more.
What I found easy was to tell if they both have title or topic.